Monday, August 4, 2008

3 Ideas to Capture Trade Show Leads

Trade Show Lead Gathering TIPS

Preparing for and attending your next presentation may be a lot of work, but the real value of being at a trade show — why it's worth your time & money — comes when you follow up on the leads and contacts you make. Here are a few simple ways to capture those leads:

--Business Card Gathering is a great way to have all of your potential prospects information in one spot.

--Create a lead gathering form to fill out and staple their business card to. It could also be a survey for your prospect to fill out with four to six simple questions and a section for them to note contact information to follow up.

--Obtain their information in a less obvious way by asking them to sign up for your Newsletter or by having them sign up for a giveaway on your service or product. A win-win situation!

All attendees want to give their information in a very short period of time, so try to keep it simple. Also, be sure to organize all forms and business cards at the end of each day of the show, while all is still fresh in your mind. Positive response is everything in the business world -- not just by the first impression either, the second and third count too.

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