Monday, August 25, 2008

Ready, Set, Smile.. time for Trade Show pictures

Bring your camera! There's a whole list of things to remember to bring but don't forget your camera. After all the work that goes into creating an exhibit, time spent at the show and the traveling involved, a picture to remember it all by will be helpful in the future.

A camera at your next trade show is a great way to show off the exhibit and the atmosphere at the show to colleagues who could not be there, give yourself a reference point for next year, and to use in advertising as well. Remember to take pictures of things you want to change, so you can remember what not to do next year.

Try this... if you want to use your photos for professional print publications, or if you want to blow them up to make graphics, make sure your camera takes high-resolution pictures.

Tip: Pictures taken with regular 35-mm film or digital pictures taken in the TIFF format with at least a 300-dots-per-inch resolution are your best bets. Digital cameras with at least 3 Megapixels usually offer this option. Cameras that only take pictures in low-res JPEG formats are fine for your Web site, but are not good enough quality for print publications.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Did you know?

The Olympic Games is the largest single broadcast event in the world, broadcasted in 220 countries to more than 3.5 billion people. WOW!!! Who knew...

Gabbing At A Trade Show

BLAH -- BLAH ---- BLAH ----- BLAH ------

You advertise with newspapers, magazines, online, before and after the trade shows - the list goes on and on. Has that been working for you? Of course, your still in business aren’t you. But, a whole new world can open up with this marketing tactic at your next trade show.
Let’s see if you can guess it:

1. It is rarely talked about and has the potential to boost you not only in general but at a Trade Show tool.
2. If done right, it costs nothing.
3. If you have a great product it should come easy to you.
4. It carries far more weight than any of the other media methods above.
Can you guess what it is? If you answered Word of Mouth Marketing, you were right. Word of Mouth Marketing is a ‘consumer-to-consumer’ based marketing technique.

Myth: Word of Mouth Marketing is about getting others to spread your ‘marketing message.’

Truth: Word of Mouth Marketing is really about building a great product and letting your customer pass on the news however they feel.

Word-of-Mouth marketing builds immediate value and worth for your company/product because it comes from a trusted source – business partners, peers, relatives, friends and so forth. How many times have you tried that new razor or brand of gum just because someone else told you how great it was? I bet you can think of at least one time and it may even be recent. That was Word-of-Mouth advertising – effortless to do and great for the product.

But how can this be encouraged and transfer over into a trade show environment? Word-of-Mouth can greatly increase the interest at your booth during a trade show.Try some of these simple techniques to help boost the word that is spread about you at a trade show.

1. Engage the attendees. Like we have said before it’s all about keeping the attendee entertained. Product demonstrations are a great way to engage the attendees giving them the ‘wow’ factor you are looking for. The ‘wow’ factor is what prompts them to turn around and whisper in the ear of others – check out xxx’s booth, their product is really cool.

2. Interact with them. Take their photo at your booth. Utilize this a couple of ways: either send a white paper after the show with their photo or let them know you will be using it in your newsletter or posted on a web page thanking all of the visitors you had. Conducting interviews or surveys gives you an opportunity to mingle and gather valuable feedback information all at the same time.

3. Ask their opinion. Asking for their honest opinion of your product or service can prompt conversation as well. This is a opportunity to get some feedback from the end users, giving you an incite into what they may be saying to others out there. Ask if they have ever recommended your product to anyone they know. This may give you a good idea on how word of mouth works for you.

4. In last months July newsletter, we talked about choosing your Promotional giveaway. Well, this little item is also intertwined with word of mouth at the trade show. If it unique enough the show-goers will be spreading the news – visit booth # to get your own. The giveaway can work for you throughout the whole show. A carrying type item will do the advertising for you.

5. Lastly, start early with your advertising efforts. Promote your strongest reason to get the attendees to start talking about visiting your booth before the show even begins. Enticing them to tell their fellow associates attending the show will draw more visitors to you. In the end more word of mouth will be spread.

Remember, it’s not about you, it’s about your product and how much they – the users – like it. The more buzz you create the greater word spread will be achieved. Isn’t that what you are aiming for?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Trade Show Tips - Spread the Word

T.I.P.S. #1
Try encouraging referrals, offer incentives, discount the next order or send a gift - do whatever it takes to encourage your current customers to spread the word and start talking about your product with everyone they know. But, keep in mind, it only works if it’s a great product/service backed by great customer support and the honest belief in your product/service. Simply put – that is the key.

T.I.P.S. #2
Ask for testimonials. Why? People believe testimonials and you can use them to your benefit too by adding them to your advertising campaigns.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Try our Instant Idea & Advice on Your Promotional Give Away

Your promotional giveaway is the symbolic item representing your company’s image and reputation. Don’t think so? Well, it does. Your giveaway is your company’s image carried around at the show that can catch potential clients attention and it’s part of your advertising campaign when it arrives home with your attendee. It may end up on their desk at the office or at home working for you day after day.

But, why put so much emphasis on it - it isn’t a pair of diamond earrings or anything? The point is to make your visitors stop by your booth for just long enough to learn something about your company. Having an effective ‘tool’ to grab them and keep them around will help you gather the leads you are trying to obtain.

It’s the second most important visual piece to your trade show marketing efforts – your display being the first. So, before it’s too late, get rid of the ‘Blah’ trade show giveaway. Spark the interest of others at the show with your next giveaway item.

Give yourself some guidelines when choosing your promotional item. A treasure chest full of treats awaits. Most view the giveaway item as either the most fun trade show decision or the absolute hardest. Endless choices, where to start… from memory sticks, bouncy balls, to calculators, key chains, and mouse pads, also mini radios, the always bright highlighter and the ever popular pen -- all of these and more. So, what suits you all depends on what your ultimate objective is.

With so many choices available, what will fit your company best? We’re hoping this helps.

>> Sample products are great to giveaway and very effective. For example: a day spa may give away samples of the most popular lotion or facial mask.

>> Develop a theme for the show and base your promotional item on that theme.

>> Tip on saving money – stretch it if you can… Order a higher quantity for a better, lower price per piece. Try this… double your trade show giveaway by turning it into a Thank You Gift for your daily customers. This can save money and promote future uses.

>> Price no object… keep in mind the cost spent doesn’t mean a better impression. You may not have to spend as much as you think.

>> Go Green your objective… recycled promotional products are the latest rave. From tote bags, 100% organic cotton beach towels, bamboo shaft umbrella to a simple ball pen made from 100% renewable corn. Hop on the Go Green train today.

So, what other options are there.

>> Can’t decide on what ‘item’ reflects your company best… opt for the Gift Certificate or Coupon route - a valuable item to encourage future purchases.

>> Information give away… what if you’re a ‘sell your mind’ kind of company such as, motivational speakers, freelance copywriters, graphic designers? You get the idea – pay for their brain kind of a service. Well, they have no physical ‘product’ so what could they give other than the traditional pen? How about a “How To: Booklet”, DVD or CD with custom label - free information on tips and techniques is a valuable use-it-now-tool. Go ahead and try the information give away. Provide them with your knowledge for free is also another way of wowing the visitor with what you have to offer. Just make sure it is helpful and is related to the target audience.

Make your promotional item work for youafter the trade show is all said and done.

Promote your company after the show… by utilizing your giveaway to promote website activity by coding each giveaway with a serial number. After the show, post the winning number on your website. They will have to visit your site to find out if they won. The potential website visit will give them yet another chance to become familiar with the products/services you offer. But be careful, make sure you tell them about the Bonus gift or they won’t go to your website.
Know how to distribute your promotionalitems effectively.

>> “Gift grabbers” Stop them dead in their tracks!: You’ve seen it, they probe your booth for that ‘free item’ and then they’re off to the next. So… combat this and don’t stack them on your table! Your gift is not necessarily free-for-the-taking and you certainly don’t want to diminish the value of the ‘gift’ if everyone can have it.

>> Try Personal selection: Personally hand select each ‘gift’ recipient. This opens a 1-on-1 conversation allowing you to qualify with whom you are speaking and reiterates your appreciation of their time and booth visit.

>> You give and YOU get method: This one takes a bit more effort on your part but may lead to the best pay off. Use a Lead form. Have the prospect fill out a very short form asking no more than 4 quick questions. Include a spot where they can leave their contact info too. Once completed reward them with your ‘free gift’. You give them something tangible and in return YOU get an open door for the future to contact and follow up.

Ultimately, your trade show giveaway does not make or break the overall true success of your show. But, it should be viewed as a tool – a very significant tool – a marketing tool with the magnitude to remain in the forefront of the potential client’s mind and life.

Are Your Trade Show Booth Staffers Ready?

“A positive attitude is an individual choice that impacts the whole team.” The people that staff your Trade Show booth are an investment in the overall success of the show just as the display and graphics are. They make up the ‘feel’ of your booth. Not only should the booth staffers be an expert with your product or service, they must be your most ‘people oriented’ individuals as they represent your image. Be sure to choose your booth staffers wisely!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tips to Improve Your Trade Show Image

Introductions… where do I start?

Establishing an instant bond is crucial when introducing yourself. A little thought and practicing can go a long way in achieving the best YOU that you can give.

Meeting new people is something everyone in business deals with on an ongoing basis and it all seems like common sense as to what you should do. Here is the simple stuff: smile, make eye contact, and maybe even offer a nice confident handshake.

Do you do it every time you meet someone new? Probably not. Here are the reasons why you should. Try a nice bright smile (fresh breath too) which is inviting and creates the feeling of a warm positive vibe. Eye contact shows you are focused on listening and you care. A controlled handshake demonstrates self confidence; a minimal squeeze is all that is needed.

You offered a smile, made the eye contact and shook hands. Now, what do you say?? Being a specialist in your specific field is what sets you apart from the rest. Properly conveying what you ‘specialize in’ can make or break the interest from a potential client standing in front of you asking, “What do you do?” Your Goal: respond with a well-chosen description to engage them in conversation.

Let’s start with some examples. Take a lawyer for instance. When you hear someone say “I’m a lawyer” your automatic thought is a question. What kind of lawyer are you? Stop the questioning in advance with your well thought out response. Try this, “I practice entertainment law and I draft contacts between film and production companies and movie stars.” Now that gets your listeners attention.

Or let’s take a writer. “What do you do?” Response is “I’m a writer.” Again, well, what kind of writer is the question that will instantly pop in your listeners mind. “I work with non-profit organizations writing their monthly newsletters that are sent to their sponsors.”

Specific and to the point is what you need to aim for in your response. Work out what you do by coming up with a few responses that will pique your listeners curiosity to make them want to talk to you longer. Hook, line and sinker.

Remember… practicing does make a difference in the quality of your actions and responses so start rehearsing in the mirror or to your spouse or friend. You may even chuckle while doing it creating the warm vibe you are aiming for.

Monday, August 4, 2008

3 Ideas to Capture Trade Show Leads

Trade Show Lead Gathering TIPS

Preparing for and attending your next presentation may be a lot of work, but the real value of being at a trade show — why it's worth your time & money — comes when you follow up on the leads and contacts you make. Here are a few simple ways to capture those leads:

--Business Card Gathering is a great way to have all of your potential prospects information in one spot.

--Create a lead gathering form to fill out and staple their business card to. It could also be a survey for your prospect to fill out with four to six simple questions and a section for them to note contact information to follow up.

--Obtain their information in a less obvious way by asking them to sign up for your Newsletter or by having them sign up for a giveaway on your service or product. A win-win situation!

All attendees want to give their information in a very short period of time, so try to keep it simple. Also, be sure to organize all forms and business cards at the end of each day of the show, while all is still fresh in your mind. Positive response is everything in the business world -- not just by the first impression either, the second and third count too.

New Way to Capture and Keep Clients Around

Following up on Trade Show Leads

Lead gathering and building future relationships, both new and old, is what a Trade Show is all about. Your communication with new and old clients should be a positive one making them want to come back, but what should you do to make that happen?

When the show or meeting is all said and done, what is the next step? It should be to follow up, shouldn't it? How do you follow up and what method should you use? First things first: Timing. Always, follow up by the end of one week of the show date with any follow up avenue you take. Strike while the iron is hot!

Here are the traditional ways:
>> A personal phone call always makes a positive personal impact. This should be done the following business day – wait any longer and they may not remember. Keep good notes and refer to the conversation you had when you last spoke at the show.
>> Direct mail to send specific information – other than what you have already given to them. This must be sent within one week from the show date and try to include a hand written note to add the personal touch.

Here is a NEW way to show your potential prospects and returning customers that their relationship to you is important, before, during and after. Try a Pre-printed CUSTOM Post cards, Cards, or Tri-fold brochures from an online service. Use, they specialize in YOUR custom greetings. is an On-Line mailing service that allows you to send individual or bulk Custom printed Post cards, Cards, Tri-fold brochures and all for less than you think. You can connect with your clients anywhere at anytime! They print it, stuff it and mail it -- all for less than a greeting card at the store. An actual stamp placed on the front for that added personalization, just as though you did it yourself!