Monday, October 31, 2011

Trade Show Finder from Affordable Exhibit Displays

Have you ever wondered what other trade shows are going on within other U.S. cities and beyond. 

According to the CEIR, the number of 2010 events held in the United States, Canada, and Mexico total 14,451, with Medical and Health Care exhibitions hold 17.6 percent of the total and Business Services at 10.4 percent.

But, where are they taking place?  Affordable Exhibit Displays offers a FREE Trade Show finder you can use at anytime.

Easily search by show name, city, country, or even by industry listings.

Tradeshow Finder is conveniently located on our website

Exhibition Industry Census

CEIR’s Exhibition Industry Census provides the statistics needed to accurately identify current involvement, plan strategies, set legitimate goals and precisely measure progress. The data can also provide business intelligence on market changes and how to position a case for organizers in locating an event in a city and for civic and facility leaders to build a case for new construction, expansion and renovation.
The Census contains data on all exhibitions occupying at least 3,000 net square feet of space and with at least 10 exhibiting companies - including both B2B and consumer exhibitions. The Census includes data for Canada, and for the first time, Mexico. View sample report.

Exhibition / Convention Center venues host the majority of events:
Venue / Percentage
Exhibition / Convention Center 41%
Hotel 39%
Conference Center / Seminar Facility / Other Not Classified  20%
Totals: 100%


Unknown said...


Nice Post..:-)..i did enjoyed visiting here and did get some good points from here. Thanks for sharing this post and keep posting such post here in future too. i am looking for some information related to brochure holders. it would be nice if you can share some information related to this here in your future posts..


exhibit display said...

CEIR has selected some of the best exhibit displays according to the major use of it in a particular region.